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Evolution and components of the personal computer

  • Evolution and components of the personal computer

    Pong, the table tennis simulation electronic game, was the first video game for many people growing up in the years and is today a famous symbol of early video games. However, the precursors to the IBM PC were introduced, which really popularized the concept of the personal computer. Personal computers are generally designed to be small, relatively affordable, and easy to use. They typically include a keyboard, a monitor or display, and a central processing unit that houses the computer's 4. main hard drive. The hard drive would be another component of a computer. The hard drive is used to store programs and files on your computer. The traditional hard drive would be the hard drive made up of a series of magnetized disks. Newer hard drives are called SSDs and use electrical circuits to store data. Generation IV, from 1980 to today The evolution of the personal computer is linked to the fourth generation of operating systems. Nevertheless, third generation minicomputers and the personal computer have many similarities. At that time, minicomputers were only slightly more expensive than personal computers, which, as the central processing unit, or CPU, constitute the brains of the computer. It works the same way as a human brain. Just as the brain controls all human activities, the processor controls all tasks. Additionally, the processor performs all the arithmetic and logical operations of the computer. Now the processor consists of two units, namely – ALU. The invention of microprocessors marks the beginning of the fourth generation of computers. A microprocessor is a small chip that contains all the necessary components of a computer's central processing unit. These advances led to the development of personal computers, which became more affordable and more widely available. Personal: The average person's interaction with electronic components at this time was limited, mostly experienced indirectly through radios and televisions or in professional contexts such as telecommunications and computing. . Business: Businesses have started using mainframe computers for various purposes, including data storage. A computer is an electronic device that accepts data, performs operations, displays results, and stores the data or results as needed. It is a combination of hardware and software resources that integrate and provide various functionalities to the user. Hardware consists of the physical components of a computer such as a processor, memory, Evolution Of Personal Computing. Control Data Corporation produced the first huge, all-transistor computer, and IBM unveiled its similar model. These were expensive devices designed for large-scale commercial tasks. By s, all the necessary components like the chip and the contemporary staff processor. The history of computer technology is often used to refer to the origin of all different generations of computers. From the first to the fifth generation of computers, each generation of computers is characterized by significant technological development in its components, memory and elements that have fundamentally changed the way these devices work. . Several periods of, 1. Provide a brief history of the personal computer. 2. Describe how PC innovation has affected society, science, and technology. 3. Explain the following: Five

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