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Core Responsibilities Research Paper || 2024

  • Core Responsibilities Research Paper

    https: doi.org 10.1177 1741143219896053. Table of contents. PDF, ePub. More. Abstract. There is growing interest in the role that principals play as school leaders. Exploring how principals construct their professional leadership identities is a summary. This article focused on analyzes of the effectiveness of principals on school performance and how principals play a major role in making the school successful. This article discusses the duties and responsibilities of secondary school principals and teachers. The article adopts Gulick and Urwick's 1937 model of the functions of the chief executive. The system-level role profile for assistant principals simply adds "senior partner in" to the role profile for principals. Department of Education, nd: 1-2The role of the principal covers many different areas, including leadership, teacher evaluation, and student discipline. Being an effective manager is hard work and also takes time. A good director is balanced in all her roles and works hard to ensure she is doing what she feels is best for all constituents involved. Leadership involves setting goals and expectations, providing strategic resources, planning, coordinating and evaluating teaching and curriculum, promoting and participating in teaching - learning. The results reveal that principal leadership plays an important role in school management and learner performance. Discover the world, millions of members

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