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Chicago Footnote Generator

  • Chicago Footnote Generator

    Add a URL if you viewed the article online. Be sure to pay attention to punctuation, such as commas and ation signs, in your notes and citations. Quote from a Chicago newspaper article. Chicago Bibliography. Author's last name, first name. "The title of the article." Journal name, month day, year. In the Chicago Manual of Style footnote referencing system, you use superscript numbers to indicate citations. For example: Superscript numbers are found at the end of the relevant sentence.1. These numbers then point to footnotes at the bottom of the page and the first footnote citation in a podcast must include the information. following: In Chicago style, when a source does not include page numbers but you still want to direct the reader to a specific point in it, an alternative locator should be used in your Chicago footnote. footer or in-text Chicago quote With audiovisual sources, e.g. movies, videos, podcasts, songs, this is a timestamp, e.g. 1:15:28. are generally short,

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