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How to write in English

  • How to write in English

    Writing is no different. Although writing style is difficult to define, don't make the mistake of confusing it with writing types. For example, narrative writing is a type of writing, but you can do it on any date and local time combined. Combine the date and local time using the style standards stated above. Always use the letter “T” between the date and time. The basic format of international communication is spaceless. The extended format uses hyphens for the date and colons for the time of day. Literature Review Examples · Search for relevant literature · Evaluate and select sources · Identify themes, debates, and gaps · Outline the structure of your literature review · Write your literature review. 4. Never use a word just because it is obscure, but also never hesitate to use a word because of its obscurity. If you show yourself to be painstakingly precise, according to the rule above, all the grand rococo ornamentation you could wish for in your prose will arise by itself. 5. Like other forms of writing, paragraphs follow a standard three-part structure with a beginning, middle, and end. These parts are the topic sentence, the development and support, and the conclusion. Topic sentences, also called paragraph starters, introduce the main idea of ​​the paragraph.

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