Example of academic self-reflection
This self-questioning, to better understand ourselves, our motivations and our experiences, is at the heart of reflection. You may be very familiar with the process. For example, critical thinking in health disciplines is linked to evidence-based practice and therefore uses a combination of clinical language and first-hand clinician perspective. In contrast, critical reflective writing for a dance student may involve technical terms and creative language. Thoughts involving one or more of these feelings have been found to be the most valuable in helping leaders grow. Surprise, frustration and failure. Cognitive, emotional and behavioral. Structure of a blog. A blog, short for "weblog", is a personal journal on the web in which you integrate your personal experience with evidence and analysis. You may be asked to submit a blog entry as part or as a whole of an assessment task. Typically, students submit their blog entries to an appropriate location on the course's BlackBoard site. They often record them in some way, for example in a lab book, and this approach to questioning is a form of reflective writing. 6. In academic writings. Many students will be asked to include some form of reflection in an academic assignment, for example when relating a topic to their real-life situation.
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