Cognitive Psychology, Retention and Transfer of Learning Essay
Cognitive development, Vygotsky's theory of social cognitive growth or zone of proximal development, Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance, Spiro's theory of cognitive flexibility. Cognitive learning strategies are specific strategies that enhance an individualized learner's ability to produce initial knowledge information, transfer it, and apply it over the longer term. Alexander Renkl. Educational Psychology Review 2023 Research into the psychology of learning has highlighted simple ways to improve learning. However, effective learning strategies are. Share: Mediating cognitive factors are internal mental processes that lie between the stimulus and the response. In social learning theory, these are the factors that determine whether learners identify with models, imitate them, and how they respond to reinforcement. Bandura refers to attention factors, retention factors, reproduction, cueing facilitates retention and transfer of multimedia learning. From the perspective of CLT cognitive load theory, cueing has a positive effect on learning outcomes due to the reduction of total cognitive load and the avoidance of cognitive overload. However, this has not been systematically evaluated. Social cognitive theory was developed in the 1990s by Albert Bandura under the name SLT social learning theory. This concept gained its current name in the 1990s. Social cognitive theory suggests that learning occurs in a social context with a reciprocal and dynamic interaction between: An individual. Their environment. Bilingualism appears to provide a means of counteracting a natural decline in cognitive functions and maintaining what is called "cognitive reserve".9. Reserve refers to the effective use of brain networks to improve brain function during aging. Bilingual experience can contribute to this reserve by keeping the cognitive, MaskotOwner Getty Images. Cognitive psychology involves the study of the internal mental processes of all the workings of your brain, including perception, thinking, memory, attention, language. Employees become more confident in approaching tasks as they gain a deeper understanding of new topics and learn new skills. 3. Improves understanding. Cognitive learning improves learners. An important characteristic of any learning task is the retention interval, the time between initial learning, for example reading a document or taking a practice test, and the final assessment. The benefits of retention testing remain even when, months later, Agarwal et al. 2012, EL: 4 Kerfoot, 2009, EL: 4. Yet cognitive psychology has shown that because we learn from our mistakes, they are actually good for learning Hays et al. 2013. Further years of research, conducted in the laboratory and classroom, have revealed a number of powerful strategies for teaching and learning. Of course, although today's educators know much more, Abstract. Video games are particularly popular among teenagers and young adults as a form of entertainment, and the time spent playing video games has increased exponentially. The main purpose of this. A third avenue concerns the role of digital technology as a particular learning context likely to have a specific impact on the transfer of
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