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Tourabian rubrics | (2024)

  • Tourabian headings

    Turabian style titles of any level require additional spacing before them. The word introduction is a top-level title. Turabian page numbering rules suggest that the number should be moved from the upper right corner to the bottom if a chapter title is on that page. Headings: Although the Chicago Citation Manual and Turabian Style Article do not state any concrete requirements to follow for headings and subheadings, here are some recommendations to follow. Headings and subheadings should have an appropriate, parallel and consistent structure throughout the text. Headings and subheadings: Chicago Turabian style allows for up to five levels of headings, which should be used to organize and structure the content of your article. Each level should be formatted consistently using a combination of capitals, italics, or bold. Title levels - Title levels - A.2.2. and subsections First level: entry in C, bold or italic, capitalization of the title case of each word. Second level: centered, regular type, capitalization of the title case of each word. The information in this article is drawn largely from the Turabian style, a version of the Chicago style intended for students and researchers. When writing an article in Chicago style, here are the guidelines to follow for the sake of simplicity, the term "Chicago" is used here. All titles at the same level must be presented in the same way.

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