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Examples of antithesis

  • Examples of antithesis

    2. Create a statement with opposite or contrasting words and phrases. After looking up the definitions, you will now create a statement with contrasting words or phrases. The instruction must then be created logically. “My love for you is bittersweet.” this statement is an example of a logically placed antithesis. Examples of Antithesis Statements in Figure of Speech. Antithesis in figures of speech is a rhetorical device that juxtaposes contrasting ideas or terms, often in a parallel structure. This can highlight differences, create stark contrast, and improve the meaning or clarity of an expression. Let's take a closer look at the word "antithesis" itself. “Antithesis” comes from the Greek “antithenai”, which means to oppose. Therefore, in addition to referring to a literary device, "antithesis" also means that something is the opposite of something else. For example, you can say that "the antithesis of love is not hate, it is hatred." Antithesis is a figure of speech created by expressing contrasting or opposing ideas in a grammatically parallel way. So, fair is wrong and foul is fair is a good example.

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