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Essay on the Benefits of Breastfeeding / [2024]

  • Benefits of Breastfeeding Essay

    Here we provide a non-exhaustive review of the empirical evidence showing that breastfeeding impacts children's brain, cognitive, and socio-emotional development. Among mothers, research is presented indicating that breastfeeding influences maternal mood, affect, stress, and caregiving. The current study aims to provide a general overview of the impact of breastfeeding on maternal employment. This is important considering this. 1 in 1 women in the world participate in the workforce. The aim of this study was to examine workplace interventions aimed at promoting, protecting and supporting breastfeeding practices among working mothers globally. A systematic review was as follows: Milk production, which requires kcal per day for an exclusively breastfed infant, reduces maternal obesity later in life. breastfeeding mothers have less viscera.

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