Appropriate reference page Apa
APA reference page. The reference page is always found at the end of the article and contains all the information necessary to identify and retrieve any outside sources used in its article. The works included in your reference list should be the outside sources that you have summarized, paraphrased, and edited. There are generally four main ones. Separate the names of multiple authors with commas. Before the last author's name, you must also insert an ampersand, amp. A reference entry can contain up to multiple authors. If there are more, one-inch page margins on all sides. Font Times New Roman pt. 'References' as centered title Running head upper left corner Page number upper right corner Double spacing within and between references. Indent in inches for references longer than one line. An APA image citation includes the creator's name, year, title, and format of the image, such as a painting, photograph, map, and the location where you accessed or viewed the image. Last name, initials. Year Image title, format Site name. or Museum, Location. URL.What is an APA reference page, An APA reference page is where you find all the references for the in-text citations included in your search. It provides information on who, when, what and where for each different resource you used. Like the article itself, the reference list includes items similar to what is in the body of the document, type "References" as the page header, written in bold, at the top center of the page. Use double spacing. Reference list entries should be arranged alphabetically by the last name of the first author of each work. For multiple articles by the same author, list the entries in chronological order, from oldest to newest.
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