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Examples of marketing literature analysis

  • Examples of marketing literature analysis

    As mentioned earlier, there are a number of guidelines for literature reviews. Depending on the methodology needed to achieve the assessment objective, all types may be useful and appropriate to achieve a specific objective. For examples, please see These approaches can be qualitative, quantitative or have a mixed approach. Conceptual analysis documents can theoretically enrich the study. field of marketing by reviewing existing knowledge, noting tensions and inconsistencies, identifying important gaps as well as key insights, and proposing agendas for future research. The result of this process is a theoretical contribution that refines, reconceptualizes, or even replaces. A literature review is a study of scholarly sources on a specific topic. It provides an overview of current knowledge, allowing you to identify relevant theories, methods and gaps in existing research. There are five key steps to writing a literature review: Search for relevant literature. Evaluate sources. Identify themes, debates and, In this systematic review of SLR literature, the author attempts to evaluate the futuristic topic such as AI-based marketing by bringing together existing research on the identified functional themes, levers of activity and research contexts. This SLR aims to establish the scientific evidence to argue the evolution of AI-based marketing as Munich's RePEc personal archive. Strategic marketing. A review of the literature. on definitions, concepts and boundaries. Jorge Mongay. Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​SBS Swiss Business School. This study therefore undertakes a comprehensive review of the literature on strategic marketing, with three specific objectives: 1 to develop a framework through which to assess the current state of research conducted in the field of marketing strategy, 2 to illuminate and illustrate "the 'state of knowledge' in basic areas. subfields of marketing,

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