Rich and Poor Social Class Essay
Classism is a series of attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that target people based on their social class financial status. The targets are usually the rich or the poor. In other words, classism is, IAU le-de-France, iauidf 3. “There are growing inequalities within these mixed peripheral municipalities. The urban fabric is increasingly fragmented and segregated. In the United States, income inequality has widened in recent decades. And as the gap between rich and poor widens, so does the health gap, according to a study published in JAMA Network. Over the years, there has been a massive transfer of wealth from middle class and working families to the richest people in America. THE. 1 possessed, of. Thompson sees consumption and income inequality moving hand in hand. But if consumption inequality hasn't evolved alongside income inequality, then the rich might simply hide their money instead of spending it on their children. A look at official Consumer Expenditure Survey data reveals that consumption inequality has not improved. When it comes to the problem of poverty, however, there has been no real improvement, just long stagnation. According to the federal government's poverty line estimate, 12 percent of the U.S. population was poor.
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