In text Citation In search
Basic format for an APA journal citation. The article title appears in plain text and sentence case, while the journal name is italicized and in title case, all main words are capitalized. APA format. Last name, initials. Year Title of article. Journal name, volume, page range of issue. DOI or URL. Author unknown or anonymous. For works with an unknown author, include the title and year of publication in the in-text citation. If the title of the work is italicized in the reference list, also italicize the title in the in-text citation. If the title of the work is not italicized in the reference list, use double signs around it. In-text citations can be presented in two formats: Information-driven format – the citation is usually placed at the end of a sentence. Author-focused format: The author's name appears in the text, it is not necessary to repeat it in parentheses. The date must immediately follow the author's name. If the author is not known, use the title and date as an in-text citation for long titles, just use the first few words. Your in-text citation should direct your reader to the corresponding entry in the reference list. For undated sources, use nd for no date in place of the year: Smith, nd Below are examples of in-text usage. In-text citation: Several research studies Di Pietrantonj et al. 2021 Jain et al. 2015 Uno et al. In 2015, it was not possible to replicate Wakefield's findings from a study of 12 children published in the Lancet, in which the lead author claimed a correlation between MMR vaccination and autism.
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