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Apa Reference Citation Format 7th Edition || 2024

  • Apa Reference Citation Format 7th Edition

    Recommendations include Calibri, Arial, Lucida, Times New Roman, Georgia or Computer Modern, LaTeX. The reference list is double-spaced between each reference AND within the reference. A list of references is arranged alphabetically by author last name. Each reference appears on a new line. The student version of the APA title page must include the following information double-spaced and centered: Article title. Name of the author. Name of department and university. Course number and name. Name of instructor. Mission due date. The professional title page also includes a emptied author's note at left, but no course, in-text citations. Use references in the text. For APA, you only use the authors' names and year in the text. If you use a direct e, you will also need to use a page number. Narrative citations: If an in-text citation contains the authors' names in the sentence, outside of parentheses, place the year and page numbers. The rest of the format will remain the same. General format. Paraphrase of in-text citation: Author name et al. Year NOTE: The in-text citation for works with three or more authors is abbreviated to the name of the first author followed by et al. and the year. In-text citation Direct citation: Author name et al. Year, Page Number, This guide provides information on creating a list of references and in-text citations. Research guides, th edition, citing websites Search in this guide Search. th edition. This guide provides information on creating a list of references and in-text citations. blog post, journal article, etc. Use the format.

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