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The Damage Caused to Women's Physical and Mental Health by Child and Bride Marriage Essay / [2024]

  • The Damage to Women's Physical and Mental Health by Child and Bride Marriage Essay

    Domestic violence is described as physical violence, sexual violence, harassment, or psychological assault by a current or former intimate partner. This represents a serious public health problem. It is estimated that more women in the United States have been victims of domestic violence, and this represents the highest number. Early marriage is any marriage concluded before reaching the legal age, 1,2,3. Although both boys and girls can marry early, the norm in many countries around the world is that more girls than boys marry young and to someone older. In Mauritania and Nigeria, for example, “more than half of married girls -. In Pakistan, women are married early.” weak and depressed segment of society. Girls are. married quite early and are not allowed to freely use their years of life. adolescence in useful learning. Pakistan is.

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