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Potato leaf roll polerovirus (Plrv) assay

  • Potato leaf roll polerovirus (Plrv) assay

    The obtained result showed that the highest prevalence of potato leafroll virus was detected in samples of potato plants from the Raški region, i.e. 20.7%. In this review, we summarize current knowledge on the function and regulation of polerovirus proteins and mention the methods employed by the different research organizations that produced them. Two plants had severe blistering and rolling on the leaves, K suggesting a virus. infection possibly by potato leaf curl virus, PLRV, Sivaprasad et al. 2016. Potato leaf curl virus, PLRV, is one of the most serious viruses infecting potato plants Solanum tuberosum L. in Egypt. Indirect ELISA indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay results. The complete genome sequence of the cocoa leafroll virus CaLRV of the family Solemoviridae, genus Polerovirus, was determined by high-throughput sequencing of total RNA isolated from symptomatic plants of Theobroma cacao L. n, 4. The sequences of the CaLRV genome varied by 976 nt in length and content,

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