Chicago Author Date Reference Page
Author - Date: With this version, short citations are given in parentheses in the text, and a list of references is added at the end of the document. In-text citation: Name Year, Page, for example Reference list entry: Last name, First name. Year. Full title. Location: Publisher. for example Klein, Julie T. 2015. Contact us. University of St Andrews Library North Street St Andrews TR. Service Desk: 44 0 2331 44 0 2331A reference list entry lists the author, date, title and publication facts, in that order. See an example here. Items are separated by periods; publication facts are not enclosed in parentheses. Full author names are used with the first author's name reversed first, e.g. Smith, Adam, and Daniel Jones; You should incorporate the original date of the letter into your text and then use the date of the book collection in the citation. In the text: In Jean-Paul's letter to Simone. he said. In Text: Sartre 1983, 116 said to Simone de Beauvoir on. Sartre, Jean-Paul. 1983.Author - date of the Chicago Manual of the th edition. Introduction, author, title, date, in-text citations Book Book chapter ChatGPT and other generative AI tools Journal article. Citing Journal Articles Journal Article In an in-text reference, cite specific page numbers. In the reference list, include the page range. In Chicago Author-Date style, sources are cited in the text rather than in numbered footnotes. The reference list is arranged alphabetically by author at the end of the article, corresponding to in-text citation sources. Our examples are based on the Chicago Manual of Style Online, with particular reference to: For a book with four or more authors, include all authors in the reference list entry. In the text, cite only the last name of the first author listed, followed by et al. McWilliam, Janette, James Donaldson, Amelia Brown, Sandra Christou and Judith Powell. 2015. Cyprus: an island and a people. Reference list. Your reference list in Style B Author-Date should include all of the resources you cited in your review. It is placed at the end of your work on a new page and has a specific format that you must follow. Place each reference on a new line and format it with an indent. Chicago provides guidelines for not one but two citation styles: author-date, notes, and bibliography. In author-date style, citations are placed directly in the text in parentheses. In this style, you have some flexibility in exactly how to incorporate the quote: Davis 2016 argues that the theory is "robust."
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