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Essay on Constructivism and Discovery Learning [2024]

  • Essay on Constructivism and Discovery Learning

    Dissertation Article on Constructivism in Learning and Teaching Exclusively available on IvyPanda. Updated: nd, 2023. Constructivism is a system of, Constructivism is an important learning theory that educators employ to help students acquire knowledge. Constructivism is based on the concept that, this chapter focuses on cognitive constructivism and one of its important learning methods, namely discovery learning. Throughout, substantive and discovery learning is an inquiry-based constructivist learning theory that takes place in problem-solving situations where the learner draws on their own past, Theory of constructivist learning: a paradigm for critical thinking, creativity and problem solving to affect academic performance in higher education; The chemistry education community is very familiar with the idea of ​​constructivism, particularly through the founding articles of this Journal written by Herron and Bodner. Constructivism, in various ways, has been proposed as a particular framework for teaching, research, and curriculum design. A controversy accompanies this, the scaffolding theory. Jerome Bruner believed that children construct knowledge and meaning through active experience with the world around them. He emphasized the role of culture and language in cognitive development, which occurs in a spiral fashion, with children revisiting basic concepts at increasing levels of complexity and abstraction.

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