Write a good peer review
Peer review is an integral part of the publication process for all academics in the molecular life sciences and beyond. You might regret being asked to review given that academic life is so busy - there are grant proposals to write, students to supervise, conferences to attend, not to mention your own manuscripts to write - but l Peer review is essential to quality. of scientific publications. As the volume of submissions to these journals increases, so does the need for a growing cadre of qualified reviewers. A lot, Editor's note: last month's post arguing against the remuneration of peer reviewers sparked numerous comments, both on the post itself and in various academic media on the Internet. With the theme of peer review just announced, peer review is front and center. What looked like a · “The manuscript presents a comprehensive and well-written overview of the subject. The literature review is thorough and the authors have managed to cover most of the relevant literature. The manuscript is easy to follow and provides a valuable, up-to-date picture of the region. Peer review can sting. This is a collegial and respectful endeavour, but the popular meme "" in social media suggests that one often feels the opposite, 1, 2 symbolizes the reviewer who is rude, vague, self-important, engaged in problems, theories and methodologies. , and unwilling to treat authors as peers.
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