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How to cite a podcast in Mla | (2024)

  • How to cite a podcast in Mla

    Th – SEO Guide Podcasts. MLA style in text citation toggle dropdown. In-text citation, citation methods, citation examples, citation of electronic documents Standard format for citation. Podcast: Author, First names. Title: Subtitle. Publisher, year, Internet address. Podcast Television and Radio Programs: To cite a podcast, you will need the following information: The first and last name of the host narrator. The title of the podcast episode if you are referring to a certain podcast, The name of the podcast series. The date of publication. Series and episode numbers. The URL through which you rated the podcast. Here's a quick guide on how to cite a podcast in MLA format. First, you will need to gather the following information: The name of the podcast, The name of the episode if applicable The name of the host The date the podcast was published The URL of the podcast, Once you have these information, you can cite the podcast in MLA. In the MLA podcast citation, the author usually refers to the host, unless the researcher is primarily focused on the contribution of a party other than the host, such as a guest or narrator. Whatever the case, the MLA podcast citation requires that a label be included to identify the author's role.MLA. An MLA citation requires including the app name, or “version,” of the podcast you are referencing, e.g. Apple Podcasts, Spotify. ONLY ONE EPISODE. If the season and episode number.

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