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Review of the literature on vicarious trauma - 2024

  • Review of the literature on vicarious trauma

    A scoping review of vicarious trauma interventions for service providers working with people who have experienced traumatic events - Jeongsuk Kim, A scoping review of vicarious trauma interventions for service providers working with people who have experienced traumatic events traumatic events - PMC. List of newspapers; Read this article. The concept of vicarious trauma proposes to account for a unique set of negative experiences among therapists providing therapy. This literature review aims to provide an overview of the existing literature in the area of ​​VPTG in the context of mental health professionals, while exploring the internal and external factors that may, The contribution of organizational factors to vicarious trauma in mental health professionals: a systematic review and narrative synthesis - PMC. Here's how: A study of mental health providers experiencing vicarious trauma and the implications of not addressing it is the purpose of this study. This study used the term “vicarious trauma,” first developed by McCann and Pearlman (1990), as well as other closely related terms used in Vicarious Trauma and Nursing: An Integrative Review. Sophie Isobel PhD, RN BN, Graduate Certificate CFHN, CAMH, Res Meth, Margaret Thomas RN BN, MMHN, BSc; Studies discovered in the database searches noted above were considered for inclusion in this systematic review if they met the following inclusion criteria: 1 included child welfare or welfare workers child protection or law enforcement child exploitation investigators, 2 discussed STS, vicarious trauma, or vicarious trauma. , 3 were related. The systematic review used a broad definition of what is considered secondary or indirect trauma, namely when there is a negative reaction to this witnessing of another's trauma. In a review of current studies on trauma therapy modalities, including cognitive behavioral therapy, eye movement desensitization and reprocessing, cognitive therapy, exposure therapy, and mindfulness-based intervention modalities , Malejko et al. 2017 concluded that therapy has been repeatedly shown to reduce vicarious trauma. Twenty-two articles were included in the review, with findings examining how vicarious trauma is conceptualized and applied to nursing in the literature, what implications of vicarious trauma, specific to nursing, are identified. in the literature, and which vicarious trauma interventions are identified as applicable to nursing. Professionals who work with victims and survivors of trauma are continually confronted with the destruction, horror, and losses their clients have experienced and are therefore susceptible to vicarious trauma due to their empathic engagement and cumulative exposure patient-related trauma and post-traumatic growth such as,

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