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Clinical placement and case study methodology: a complex matter | (2024)

  • Clinical placement and case study methodology: a complex matter

    Method. This was a mixed methods study conducted during the final year of the undergraduate nursing degree. Data were collected by survey using a self-report instrument with three components of confidence, self-doubt inhibitors, anxiety and preparedness n, 75 and by semi-individual interviews. structured and a focus group 7, Methods. Descriptive qualitative study. Participants were second-year nursing students studying at a Spanish public university. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview before the start of the first clinical rotation. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis, as proposed by Braun and Clarke.1. Introduction. Various factors impact the quality of clinical learning for nursing students. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia's 2016 ANMAC, Registered Nurse RN Standards for Practice require nurses to be competent in leadership skills such as delegation, coordination and supervision. However, the Australian van de Mortel et al. The CSP Client Support Program is a voluntary case management program that uses a clinical perspective and trauma-informed approach to help clients meet their wellness needs. The program aims to streamline communication between clients, their families and DVA. The DESCARTE Healthcare Case Study Design Model suggests a series of questions to ask a case study researcher, including clarity on the philosophy behind their research, the design of the case study with an emphasis on the definition and analysis of cases to improve the process. The template resembles toolkits for authors. The authors present how to construct a mini-ethnographic case study design with the benefit of a limited ethnographic approach in a more feasible case study protocol for a student.

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