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Essay on the extent to which music psychology research is valuable ~ 2024

  • The Extent to Which Music Psychology Research Has Value Essay

    ~ Psychology of music. Psychology of Music publishes peer-reviewed articles aimed at increasing scientific understanding of any psychological aspect of music. These include studies on listening, interpreting, creating, remembering, analyzing, describing, learning. See the full journal description. This journal is a member of the Committee. Is built around four main areas in which. studies of music and the human mind have been. particularly fruitful: i auditory perception, ii the cognition of music, iii music and emotion, and iv. One of the most important questions in music psychology is how music affects emotional experience Juslin, 2019. a research review, International Social Science Journal, Vol. 66, Summary. Research on the impact of music interventions has indicated positive effects on various skills. These findings suggest that music interventions may have additional potential to support children's educational processes and development. This article reviews the latest evidence on the effect of musical interventions on the development of. First, it is important to present and explain the relationship between music and the human brain. Different types of music typically generate a wide range of emotions and effects on human behavior, which, in turn, lead to a specific class of experiences called feelings. Neuroimaging and electrophysiological studies, normally, in normal times. Sch fer, Sedlmeier, St dtler and Huron state that the common goal of listening to music is to “regulate arousal and mood, achieve self-awareness and express social connection” 2013, p. 1. Despite the numerous and often contradictory conclusions regarding the musical phenomenon, there is no doubt about the powerful.

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