Chicago Manual Style Format Template
Including video length is optional. In a note, a specific timestamp or range can be included to show the relevant location in the video. Pay attention to punctuation, such as periods or commas, in your quotes. Chicago YouTube video quote. Chicago Bibliography. Author's last name, first name. "Title of the video." Additional information. The following templates and examples will help you create source citations with three authors using the notes and bibliography system. Complete reference template: First author's name, First name of the 1st author author, First name and last name of the 2nd author, First name and last name of the th author Book title, to cite a newspaper or online magazine article, italicize the publication title and add a URL to it. end: Chicago bibliography. Author's first name. "The title of the article. ". Publication name, month day, year. URL. Hui, Sylvia. “Non-essential retailers are reopening across England after the coronavirus lockdown.” A footnote, or Chicago-style citation, should always end with a period. Notes should be separated from the main body of the text by a typed length in inches. Notes are single-spaced in Chicago-style format and the first line of each footnote is indented two spaces from the page margin. Double the space between each note. Place the figure or table in the body of your assignment. Number the tables and figures consecutively as they appear in your assignment. Example: In the text, identify tables and figures by number, ie. in , rather than by location, i.e. below, official advice sheet: list of tables and figures. The Chicago Manual of Style edition discourages the use of ibid. which was previously used to refer to the same source cited in the previous footnote. Instead of using ibid. an abbreviated form of the citation may be used. The first time an abbreviated citation is used, all elements of the abbreviated form must be included author, abstract,
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