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Self-Regulation Theory in Relation to Motivation Education Essay | (2024)

  • Self-regulation theory in relation to motivation education essay

    1.1. Emotional intelligence. In recent years, emotional intelligence EI has become the focus of many researchers. EI is understood as the ability to facilitate the recognition and regulation of emotions and the generation of adaptive behaviors. The main theories about EI are based on the trait model and the ability we have realized. systematic search for published research articles that explore the relationships between self-regulation and student well-being. This article. Socially Shared Regulation of Learning SSRL has been recognized as a new and growing area within self-regulated learning theory over the past decade. In the present review, we examine the empirical evidence supporting such a phenomenon. A total of articles dealing with SSRL were identified, which showed the relationship between the dimensions of self-regulation and the dimensions of students' educational performance. As you can see, there was a negative and significant relationship between emotional effects and lack of control outcomes with cognitive self-regulation and internal motivation P lt 0.05. Motivation refers to. an individual's inclination, energy, direction, and motivation toward learning and achievement. Engagement involves the thoughts, actions, and resulting emotions. Concerning the research question on the mediating role of strategies, our results clearly indicate that a pre-vocational education students use motivational strategies, even if to a limited extent, b competence only showed a direct relationship and weak with the effort and pleasure of doing school work, and has a weak relationship with a single strategy, that is to say; In addition, the study also examined the relationship between motivation for the writing task, self-regulation, and essay grades at the beginning and end of the course. A quasi-experimental pretest. The term self-determination refers to a person's ability to manage themselves, make choices confidently, and think for themselves Deci, 1971. Self-determination is a macro theory of motivation and human personality. It is a theory that addresses two important factors: the inherent growth tendencies of individuals and the innate role of motivation in learning. Motivation, as the name suggests, is what “makes us move”. That's why we do anything. For teachers, a lack of motivation has long been one of the most frustrating obstacles to student learning. Although the concept of motivation may intuitively seem quite simple, a rich research literature is.

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