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How to cite two books by the same author Mla || 2024

  • How to cite two books by the same author Mla

    2. Use et al. if the book or several authors. When it comes to a book or multiple authors, only the name of the first author is included. To cite two or more works by the same author, include the author's name in the first entry only. In entries for later works, in place of the author's name, type three hyphens - followed by a period, then the title and the rest of the quotation according to the rules of this section. Example: Hume, Robert D. Afterwards, indicate the first and last name in case of ambiguity as to who you might mean. Your in-text citations should always include the first initial as well as the last name, or, if the first initials of two authors are the same, the full first name as well as the last name, MLA If you are directly citing two sources that make the same point, you must specify to your reader the source of each information. Johnson argues that "mint chip ice cream is better than chocolate ice cream." 10. Smith agrees: "Chocolate ice cream is not as good as mint chip ice cream." 30. He might -Better, however, to paraphrase: Researchers agree, if multiple authors share the same last name, include the author's first initial in your in-text citation. Example: ED If multiple authors share the same last name and first initial, include the author's first name in your in-text citation. Example: Sarah, Scott, lt, ltIf there are several works by the same author, they are listed by date, if the works are from the same year, they are listed alphabetically by title. How to cite books in MLA format. Book referencing is the most basic type of referencing. The basic format is: Example book reference: Mitchell, James A. A Guide to.

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