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For the moment, the code is simple, it just opens the neovim file tree in PowerShell: echo off. call pwsh.exe -NoExit -Command , amp, nvim.exe. However, eventually I want to change it to something like the following: echo off. call pwsh.exe -NoExit -Command , amp, nvim.exe filename And make it so that when I click on a file, to set a color scheme in Neovim using Lua, add the following line to the init file. lua. vim.cmd, onedark color scheme, code language: Lua lua. In the example above, I'm using Onedark as my color scheme, but you can use whatever you want. Now when we type meta and select our snippet, it will automatically expand with the correct lastmod date values. Additionally, with ctrl j you can move to the next input parameter, and with ctrl k back without leaving insert mode. When you reach insertion 0, the snippet will be ungrouped. What is particularly interesting is that you can use Vim which was invented 1991 years ago. It is a text editor that runs in a terminal. Programmers of the time use Vim to write their code. Nowadays, even with new text editors like VSCode, Intellij, Sublime Text, etc., Vim still stands out among them. Indeed, Vim has certain advantages over these text editors. Vim is extremely. 6. You need to escape the keycode using vim.api.nvim override the termcodes. See the section on this function in nanotee's Nvim Lua guide and in the Neovim API documentation. In my setup I follow nanotee's advice and define a helper function to avoid spelling out this incredibly long function name. return vim.api.nvim replaces termcodes str, true, true, ~ Using Lua files at startup lua-guide-config. Nvim supports using either init.vim or init.lua as a configuration file, but not both at the same time. This should be placed in your configuration directory, which is usually nvim config for Linux, BSD or macOS, and nvim AppData Local for Windows.
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