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Transfusion Case Study – 2024

  • Transfusion Case Study

    METHODS: This article presents a case study of a cancer patient undergoing autologous stem cell transplantation who experienced an adverse ocular reaction following a platelet transfusion. Abstract. Post-transfusion purpura is a rare transfusion-related complication that often goes undiagnosed. It is due to alloimmunization against platelet antigens which leads to profound acute thrombocytopenia following the transfusion of any product containing platelets, red blood cells or platelets. It is commonly seen in Ottenberg R. Studies in isoagglutination: I. Transfusion and the question of intravascular agglutination. clues obtained from review of clinical case reports. 55: S59-S64.1. Introduction. Allergic Transfusion Reactions ATRs are common side effects of transfusion. Many different blood components can induce such reactions, and they are more common when platelets or plasma are transfused due to leukocyte activation and cytokine accumulation when these products are transfused. Anti-Di antibody has a relatively high positive reaction rate in Koreans, 3 - 6 years old. It was reported that anti-Di a antibody was detected in a patient who received repeated transfusions in Korea, 11, 12 in addition to cases of delayed hemolytic transfusion reaction due to anti-Di a antibody, 13 In Because of the antibody screening panels, if the test is positive, many blood banks will do cross-match testing and keep two units of blood for the patient in case they need a transfusion. Another prerequisite for blood transfusion is to obtain the patient's consent if possible. Negi G, Gaur DS, Kaur R. Safety of blood transfusions: study of adverse effects at a blood bank.

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