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Apa in the text Quote Direct quote Several authors

  • Apa in the text Quote Direct quote Several authors

    Basic structure of APA in-text citations. Author name Publication date. Page Number Required for direct essays, encouraged for paraphrasing There are two ways to write your in-text citations: Citation type. Example quote. Parenthetical: All components of the in-text citation are included in parentheses at the end of APA Citation Style, 7th Edition: Journal article with two authors. Home. Guide New amp Notable changes Layout of the student document In-text citation, direct quote: Meier amp Welch, 2016, p. 465 Journal article - Two authors and no DOI retrieved from publisher's website In-text citations are brief references to your sources and indicate where the information came from and when it was published. They appear in the body of your work. The APA uses a short Author-Date format for in-text citations. For example: Garcia 2020. This allows readers to search for the full citation listed in the reference page.Citation Basics. In-text citations, also called parenthetical citations, follow the author-date citation system in APA style. The author and date of a reference appear in parentheses when it is mentioned in the text of an article, such as this one Smith, 2016. When a work does not have an author, use instead the first words of the reference title. When dealing with one source or multiple authors, include the authors' names, then three ellipses, and add the last author's name. Do not include an ampersand, amp, between the ellipses and the final author. Note: For works with three or more authors, the first in-text citation is shortened to include the first author's last name followed by et al. A direct ation reproduces verbatim material taken directly from another author's work or from your own previously published work. If the statement contains fewer words, include it in your paragraph and surround it with double marks. David Copperfield begins with "Will I become my own hero",

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