Essay on the burden of smoking on health and social services
Introduction: The objective was to quantify the health effects of tobacco using data from the Global Burden of Disease study. Objectives and methods: We collected detailed information on tobacco consumption as a whole as well as its individual aspects, smoking, second-hand smoke and chewing tobacco, for deaths and disability. If patients were smokers, the following additional topics were covered: 1 type of smoking behavior 2 awareness of the oral consequences of smoking, 3 use of other tobacco products 4 previous experiences with quitting smoking 5 6 previous community discussion training dental on side effects and cessation protocols 7 request to receive, smoking, vaping and tobacco. Cigarettes contain tobacco, a drug usually inhaled as smoke. The main chemical in tobacco, nicotine, is highly addictive. Nicotine can also be found in electronic cigarettes. Smoking and vaping cause preventable illness and death. Find help to quit smoking or vaping, or support a loved one. The economic cost of smoking. In addition to its devastating effects on health, smoking has a significant economic impact. This costs the Victorian economy 3. in tangible costs such as healthcare, and 5. in intangible costs associated with the loss of lives each year. public health is vast. Tobacco use is the main theme of this chapter as it is the central public health problem, but the themes of exposure to second-hand smoke, smoking of other combustible tobacco products, smokeless tobacco and,
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