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The Different Leadership Styles and Theories Essay || 2024

  • The Different Styles and Theories of Leadership Essay

    These theories are contingency theory, Great Man theory, Trait theory and Michigan theory, transformational and transactional theory. An attempt has been made to explain these theories. Contingency Theory: This theory states that there is no best and ideal way to lead the organization since a better leadership style is a certain time. Leadership style is a method of showing an attitude with the aim of influencing employees to achieve company goals. Harvey, 2013. Good leaders must be able to adapt different leadership styles. 1. The great man theory. The Great Man Theory of Leadership states that excellent leaders are born, not developed. This was a popular concept in the 18th century, when most people thought leadership skills were not possible to develop over time. This theory states that leadership is an inherent quality.Charlotte Louise Giltinane. 31 - Standard Nursing Nurses Stand - Vol. 27, Iss: 41, -39. TL DR: Different leadership styles and theories are explored and how they relate to nursing practice is explained. related documents. Summary: It is useful for healthcare professionals to be able to identify leadership styles and.

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