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Sites to cite sources | (2024)

  • Sites to cite sources

    Use when there is no other reference category matching the source type and the work does not have a global publication, e.g. a journal, blog, conference proceedings, etc. other than the website itself. If you are referring to a website in general in your text, do not create an in-text reference or citation, instead refer to the name of the website in the text followed by "Sources cited by the author should be easy to find, clear and impartial. For web sources, the URL and layout should indicate that they are trustworthy. The CRAAP test. The CRAAP test is a catchy acronym that will help you assess the credibility of a source you are considering using. California State University developed its site. Cite, site and sight are classic homophones: they are pronounced the same way, but differ in their meaning and spelling. Cite is most often used as a verb in the context of facts, sources, and academic articles. Site is most often used as a noun in the context of places and locations. And sight is used in the context of vision and things that are seen.

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