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Life Goals Essay

  • Life Goals Essay

    How to write an essay in words “career goals”. When writing a multi-word essay, you will need to choose your content carefully. Since space is limited, you will want to identify in advance the most important details to include. Above all, make sure you clearly communicate your current activities. Why is it important to set a goal. The importance of setting goals can be understood from this example: imagine a person who wants to be happy, healthy and has enough money. These are commendable · Explain what inspired your career goals. Maybe it was a relative, a TV show, or just an experience you had. Remember that old written adage: “Show, don’t tell.” In other words, try to demonstrate your interest with a story or description: discuss your short-term career goals and the major you're considering. Introduction – Start writing with catchy sentences that will immediately hook the reader. Briefly introduce the main objectives that you intend to discuss in the remainder of the essay. Body – Be confident in noting down the professional or academic experience you have had in the past. Associate this with your future career goals. My love of life is music and my ultimate dream is to become a music producer in Nashville, Tennessee. My short-term goals for this semester are primarily academic, emotional, spiritual, and personal professional. At the end of this semester, I will have accumulated a GPA of. upper. To do this, I will have to give up nights.

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