Literature review Intrinsic and extrinsic orientation of job satisfaction
Published by Elsevier Ltd. ltion and par-review under the responsibility of the c-crcs cognitive consulting, research and conference services. S. Lemos and Lurdes Ver ssimo, Procedia - Social and behavioral, 2014, €930“. Measures and instruments Intrinsic and extrinsic orientation in the. The overall study hypothesized that intrinsic factors such as respect, recognition, job quality and personal growth M, 3.04, SD, 1.0541 and extrinsic factors such as salary and promotion. A meta-analysis of job satisfaction correlates with the public administration literature. Journal of Public Personnel Administration, 36, 115-144. Ref. crossed. 2000a. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivations: classic definitions and new directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25, 54-67. Intrinsic values refer to outward-oriented altruistic belief orientations, Deci amp Ryan, 2000, and are associated with elements of adaptive functioning such as greater well-being and life satisfaction. The main difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation lies in the students' goals. With intrinsic motivation, the student studies the material for the sake of learning. These. The results show that interactive games significantly increase students' intrinsic motivation, t 3.281, p lt good. as overall motivation, t 2. 15, p lt 05. Interestingly, however, the.
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