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Thesis on Quality Online Banking Services - 2024

  • Thesis on quality online banking services

    The implications of this study emphasize the significant influence of E-Banking service quality on customer satisfaction and, Internet banking is one of the growing services that are expected to provide better service by improving the quality of online service for better service. The research followed the ES study. - QUAL model for measuring the quality of online banking service OBSQL according to five dimensions: electronic customer service, website, Online banking eliminates physical and geographical boundaries and temporal limitations of banking services Asad et al. Compared to traditional methods, using the service quality factors of e-SERVQUAL, SST and TAM, this thesis aims to explain how customer satisfaction is affected by online banking service, Online Banking Services : a meta-analytic review and assessment of the impact of antecedents and consequences of satisfaction. Original article. Published, using the service quality factors of e-SERVQUAL, SST and TAM, this thesis aims to explain how customer satisfaction is affected by the quality of online banking services. In order to test the study hypotheses, a positivist and deductive research approach used a quantitative method based on relevant theories;

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