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How to Write a Java Applet Program - 2024

  • How to write a Java applet program

    The task given is to draw an Olympic symbol in a Java applet. Expected Result: Approach: Use the drawOval method to draw a circle with x and y coordinates as well as a length and width. Activate sound. Below is the, Here we are implementing a Java program in an applet which will print a welcome message on the screen. Submitted by Chandra Shekhar, on the given contact details under which we need to print a welcome message using Java applet program. In this example, we use a function named g.drawString, which is a. The project folder view is shown in the image below: First, create the file as AppletImage. java and enter the code in it: Once the code is inserted, we need to create the AppletImage.html file, through which we will display the result: We need to have the image that we need to display in the applet. Simple Applet Program in Java Creating a simple applet in Java involves defining a class that extends the Applet class provided by Java. applet package. Below is a basic example of how you can create a simple applet program in Java: Import Java. applet. Applet, import Java. awt.Graphics. Define a simple applet by extending, in this animation, with different colors red, blue, magenta and yellow bouncing randomly in a square. They actually move in a square, so basically a bouncing ball animation in Applet. We use a For loop and run this For Infinite loop and change their Ovels position and some values ​​and repaint it all. The task given is to draw a smiley face in Java applet. Approach: Create three ovals, one for the face, two for the eyes. Fill the oval eyes with black color. Create a bow for a smile on your face. Below is the implementation of the above approach: Applet Program

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