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Examining Different Types of Family Agencies on Professional and Professional Values ​​Social Work Essay | (2024)

  • Review of Different Types of Family Agencies on Professional and Professional Values ​​Social Work Essay

    It is important that the ongoing critical reassessment of social work values ​​and practices begun during the pandemic continues in the context of the global impacts of the climate crisis, and that ecosocial justice is firmly placed on the social work practice agenda. social work, with a strong emphasis in social work training, professional statements, In practice, the fundamental principles of social work include four fundamental categories of values: a the values ​​of the society or community in which the social worker operates, which must be taken into account in order to preserve the dignity of the client. b the professional values ​​which define the profession and are enshrined in legal documents, namely the code of ethics, c the personal summary. Candidates look for workplaces where they can combine their beliefs with those of the company and work together on a shared vision of purpose and success. Values ​​and Ethics in Social Work Practice, Lester Parrot, London, Sage, 2014, pp. 216, 18.99. pb The main theme of this book is an introduction to ethics and values ​​for social work students with the aim of providing an in-depth and critical understanding of the value base of the profession and analysis and,

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