Apa 7 Works Cited Example page
When citing a multi-volume work: Wright, Sewell. 1968-1978. Evolution and population genetics. Flights. 1-4. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Citing a single volume: Wright, Sewell. 1969. Genetic Frequency Theory: Vol. 2. Evolution and population genetics. The APA reference page is a separate page at the end of your paper where all the sources you cited in the main text are listed. References are sorted alphabetically, double-spaced, and formatted according to basic book citation format. The in-text citation of a book includes the author's last name, the year, and, if available, a page number. In the reference list, start with the author's last name and initials, followed by the year. The title of the book is written in capitals only the first word and any proper nouns. Include any other contributors. If you wish to cite a special issue of a journal rather than a regular article, the names of the editors and the title of the issue appear in place of the name of the author and the title of the article: APA format. Last name, initials. Ed. or Eds. Year Title of issue Special issue. Journal name, volume, issue If you wish to cite a special issue of a journal rather than a regular article, the names of the editors and the title of the issue appear in place of the name of the author and the title of the article. Article: APA format. Last name, initials. Ed. or Eds. Year Title of issue Special issue. Journal name, volume, number When citing a multi-volume work: Wright, Sewell. 1968-1978. Evolution and population genetics. Flights. 1-4. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Citing a single volume: Wright, Sewell. 1969. Genetic Frequency Theory: Vol. 2. Evolution and population genetics. APA reference page. The reference page is always found at the end of the article and contains all the information necessary to identify and retrieve any outside sources used in its article. The works included in your reference list should be the outside sources that you have summarized, paraphrased, and edited. There are generally four main ones. ~ In the reference list, include details of the work in which you found the solution or idea. For in-text reference, indicate the author and year of the original and secondary sources. Add as cited between sources in the in-text reference. For example, Smith, 2015, cited in Jonson, 2019. Using et al. in APA style. APA style has slightly different rules for the use of "et al." » depending on whether or not you follow the th edition. Rules of the 7th edition. In in-text citations, when a source has two authors, list both. When there are three or more authors, cite the first author followed by “et al.” MLA calls this page the works cited page, while the APA calls it the reference page. The rules for writing a complete citation are different depending on the format and type of source. For example, the same source would be cited differently in MLA and in APA: the year of publication would be in a different place, and that of the author,
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