Apa reference edited book
more editors. As cited in. Publisher of edited books. Reference elements. Citation in text. Reference. Edited printed book, ebook. The format is as follows: If the book chapters are written by different authors than the publisher, you must reference each chapter you use as a book chapter. EndNote reference type, need to reference an edited book, or a chapter of a book. In this article, we'll show you how to cite an edited book using APA style referencing. Article or chapter in an edited book. General format. In-text citation paraphrase: last name of chapter or article author, year of in-text citation, library guides. SEO. SEO style. Book chapter. SEO style. This is a guide to using the th style of referencing reference in. Reference items: book chapters or sections. Chapter Author, AA amp Chapter Author, BB Copyright Year. Chapter title. In, Reference List Format. Author's last name, first name, and author's initial. The directory was protected by copyright. Title of the article or chapter. In the publisher's first and middle name and last name Ed. Title of book edition if applicable, page numbers of. article or chapter. Editor. In-text citation format Direct quote Book title: Subtitle if the edition is given and it is not the first edition. Editor's name. Note: Author names are separated by commas. Put a comma and an ampersand, amp, before the name of the last author cited. Note: For works with three or more authors, the first in-text citation is shortened to include the last name of the first author. The edited book chapters category includes edited book chapters and anthology works. Entries in the reference works category include dictionary, thesaurus, and encyclopedia entries. Format, platform, or device are not included in the reference for these source types. In a reference to an entire book, cite edition and volume numbers separated by a comma, but do not cite page ranges. Here are some templates for citing printed versions of books that include edition and volume numbers: Chapter in an edited book. Author, AA amp Author, BB Year. Basic format for referencing a book. A basic reference list entry for an e-book that you retrieved from a library database without a DOI, in APA should include: For books with multiple authors, edited books, printed books, books in line other than those coming from a library database and chapters. in books, see examples below. Note: You only include an edition number if it is not the first edition. If you have a work in several volumes, the volume number is placed in the same parentheses as the edition number: 3rd ed. Flight. 4, p. 12-13. In the reference list, you should arrange chapter author names by last name followed by first initial, but book publisher names should be ordered by first initial followed by last name. The name of the publisher must be preceded by the word in. Attach the abbreviation Ed. for publisher and Eds. for editors after the last editor,
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