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Composition About the mother - 2024

  • Composition on the mother

    7. In order to preserve the cultural richness of a person's existence, the mother tongue must be preserved at all costs. 8. The mother tongue is essential in formulating a person's thoughts and emotions. 9. Learning their native language gives them a sense of self-esteem and cultivates their self-confidence. 10. In her essay Mother Tongue, Amy Tan delves into the complexities of language and its profound impact on shaping an individual's sense of self. Through anecdotes and personal reflections, Tan explores the different ways language can both unite and divide people, while shedding light on the importance of embrace. Best wishes to you and your family during your maternity leave, I will be thinking of you all the time, sending you lots of love and power while you are gone. Your baby is lucky to have such a caring and responsible mother. Spend wonderful moments with your family Every moment spent with your baby is precious. Take care of yourself and do.

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