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Individual Reflection Essay Example / [2024]

  • Individual Reflection Essay Example

    Reflective essays are a type of personal essay in which the writer examines a topic through the lens of their unique perspective. Reflective essays are, Here are some typical examples of reflective essay formats you may need to write: A Focus on Personal Growth: A type of reflective essay often used by, How to Write a Reflective Essay: a quick guide, examples. Daniel Howard. read. Contents; The language of reflective writing. Reflective academic writing is: almost always written in the first person. evaluative - you judge something. partly personal, partly criteria-based. analytical: you generally categorize actions and events. formal - it is aimed at an academic audience. carefully constructed. From childhood to adulthood is a journey. In our lives we go on many journeys, some big and some small. Every day, from morning to night, everything we do is a journey, but what we don't realize is that these are the journeys that are taking shape. These daily journeys that we participate in without knowing it are the source of our growth. Set the scene using the five W's What, Where, When, Who and Why to describe it. Choose the events or experiences you will reflect on. Identify the issues of the event or experience that you want to focus on. Use literature and documents to help you discuss these issues in a broader context. This process of introspection allowed me to better understand myself, my values ​​and my goals. It also allowed me to question my own assumptions, grow personally, and develop greater self-awareness. Another important lesson I learned through my learning experience is:

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